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Toronto's Mold Removal Services Specialists:

Certified, Trusted & Professional Mold Removal Services

Click Free Consultation above/below or click CONTACT US to schedule your free mold remediation, removal or abatement estimate today. GeoFocus Mould Solutions has the skilled mold removal professionals and provides the comprehensive mold removal services to tackle any mold contamination project, no matter the size. Our experienced abatement technicians have the knowledge and experience to design effective mold remediation strategies to safely contain and remove various degrees of mold contamination in homes, commercial sites and industrial buildings. We utilize proven technology during the mold removal process, including innovative methods such as dry ice blasting, in a variety of settings, from water damaged basements to mold damaged attics, warehouses to office spaces, and government buildings to other public areas.

Assessing mold growth and removing it from indoor areas brings documented health risks. It is a hazardous process that can result in sudden disasters and unexpected costs if not handled properly. Therefore, certified mold removal professionals should be the only ones to conduct mold removal. With the health concerns created by the presence of mold, any cost involved in its removal is nothing compared to the long-term property damage and health risks it poses.

Mold growth damages building surfaces and, as the mold’s intact spores are dispersed, adversely impacts air quality. Many molds produce various allergenic substances, odorous chemicals and toxic metabolites. And while the specific agents produced by mold that affect human health are unpredictable, exposure to mold is linked to allergic reactions and can cause respiratory disease.

While there is a cost involved in the removal of finishes, drywall, furnishings, equipment, etc. during the mold remediation process, the biggest expense for any mold abatement contractor is the time to prepare for the remediation work, which includes the disposal of contaminated materials, additional equipment costs, containment and the key process of cleaning finishes for the required clearance test. Removing materials that contain mold can be as simple as replacing sections of drywall, removing a wet pipe or replacing damp carpet and furniture. When extensive mold is found, however, all materials must be removed in accordance with the building hygienist containment protocol, which significantly increases the cost of mold remediation.

Mold abatement services labour costs are also a big factor in price, but there are additional expenses involved associated with the professional equipment that mold remediation contractors require, such as, negative air machines, air scrubbers, HEPA vacuums, manometers, dehumidifiers, dry ice blasting machines and OSHA pumps. Equipment costs can be between 10—20% of the overall mold remediation cost.

GeoFocus Mould Solutions’ utilizes best practices and an extensive catalogue of in-house contractor owned equipment to perform its comprehensive mold removal process. Our expert remediation, abatement, removal and cleaning technicians ensure your home, office or workplace is remediated at a competitive price. Our mold remediation services have accounted for 1000s of sites remediated throughout the 416, 519, 613, and 705 areas together we can create a solution to fit your project and budget. Contact us today for a quote and consultation. We services all cities and towns throughout Ontario including major locations such as Toronto, Barrie, Caledon, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Markham, Ottawa, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville.